Lighting in the food industry

The Lighting is a fundamental factor in the food industry, since it influences the quality and safety of the products. That is why the implementation of appropriate technologies can be key in improving processes and risk prevention. This article will address some of the main aspects to consider in terms of lighting in the food industry, from regulations to the most appropriate technologies.

Regulations and requirements for lighting in the food industry

Lighting is a regulated aspect in the food industry, both to guarantee product quality and to prevent health risks. Some of the standards that apply include ISO 22000, 29 CFR 1910.307, EN 12464-1 and IEC 62471.

Benefits of proper lighting in the food industry

In addition to complying with regulations, the right lighting can have multiple benefits for the food industry. Some of them include the improvement of security, the reduction of errors in production, the reduction of visual fatigue, the improvement of performance and the optimization of energy consumption.

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Lighting technologies suitable for the food industry

There are various lighting technologies that may be suitable for the food industry, depending on the needs of each company. Some of them include:

LED lighting

LED lighting is one of the most used technologies in the food industry due to its high energy efficiency and durability. In addition, they do not emit infrared or ultraviolet radiation, which makes them suitable for production processes that require high levels of hygiene.

high frequency lighting

High-frequency lighting is a technology that improves lighting quality and reduces light flicker. This can be useful in production processes that require high precision, such as the measurement of weights and volumes.

infrared illumination

Infrared lighting can be useful in food cooking and drying processes, since it allows food to be heated without generating high temperatures in the environment. This can result in a reduction in cooking time and an increase in the quality of the products.

How to choose the right lighting technology

When choosing the right lighting technology for the food industry, it is important to take into account the specific needs of each process. Some of the aspects to consider include the level of lighting required, energy efficiency, durability, and the cost of investment and maintenance.

Additional considerations for lighting in the food industry

In addition to lighting technologies, there are some additional considerations that can be helpful in improving product quality and safety. Some of them include:

Emergency light

In case of power outages or emergencies, it is important to have emergency light to maintain the safety of workers and products. These lights must be capable of turning on automatically in the event of a power loss, and have sufficient autonomy to guarantee lighting for an adequate time.

Lighting in food handling areas

It is important to note that the lighting in food handling areas it must comply with additional requirements, since it can have a direct impact on the quality of the products. Lights need to be heat-free, ultraviolet and infrared radiation-free, and easy to clean and maintain.

Maintenance and periodic review

Finally, it is important to highlight the importance of maintenance and periodic review of lighting installations. This will make it possible to detect possible failures or deficiencies in lighting, and correct them in time to guarantee the quality and safety of the products.

In conclusion, lighting is a fundamental aspect in the food industry, and its proper implementation can have multiple benefits for the quality and safety of the products. It is important to comply with regulations and choose the appropriate technologies, as well as perform maintenance and periodic review of lighting installations. In this way, the quality and safety of the products can be guaranteed, as well as improve efficiency and reduce production costs.