Industrial Lighting 4.0

It is the latest in lighting, combining technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) with LED lighting systems enabling lighting systems to be more intelligent, efficient and adaptable.

Total control

With Jungo Lighting powered by Jungo Connect lighting systems, you can have full control of your lighting system, and unlock functionalities beyond lighting spaces.

What are the Benefits?


Increases visual safety


Analyze energy consumption data by area


Achieve greater efficiency thanks to the global visualization of the lighting system


Get real-time alerts about devices

useful lives

Maximizes system durability

Our clients

They are already part of the new era of lighting 4.0

What do our customers say?

"Recommended, a pleasure to have collaborated together on a success story project where the Jungo Lighting luminaire with Jungo Connect was proposed."
Jose Carlos Sanchez Velazquez
“We are very satisfied with the lighting system in our facilities. LED technology and smart connectivity have significantly improved the energy efficiency and lighting of our spaces.”
Emmanuel Hdz

Schedule an appointment TODAY

Allow our specialists in lighting 4.0 to advise you in this change towards the new era of lighting.

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